LORQ:TECH #35: ~!Keith-y Throws!~

Here’s some really nice throws:


Underhand extension throws when the arm is crossed. (on the non-native side).
Overhand extension throws when the arm is open (on the native side).
Directly after throwing a standard toss, change the direction of the hand and perform a full circle of the arm before catching the poi. 
It is quite natural to change timing-direction with these throws. 
They look great and feel quite nice as well (winning combo, am I right?)


Layout of New Tech Tiles

New Tech Tiles– Cube, Colors, and Planes

Look at the tiles as if you are looking in a mirror.

Imagine yourself inside a cube with 6 faces: up, down, left, right, front, and back

Imagine a line from your head to your feet connecting the top face and the bottom face.  The Y-Axis is Yellow

Imagine a line running through your shoulders connecting the left and right face.  Thats the X-axis.  It’s blue.

Imagine a line running from in front of your heart to behind your back.  It’s the Z-axis.  It’s red.

A plane can be defined by 2 axes.

3 planes naturally separate the body into halves.

Wall plane: Splits the body into front half and back half.  An arm or prop rotating around the front back axis will be moving in wall plane (green: combines up/down (yellow) and left/right (blue).  Wall plane is one of two vertical planes.

Wheel plane:  Splits the body into left half and right half.  An arm or prop rotating around the left/right axis will be moving in wheel plane (orange: combines up/down axis (yellow) and front/back axis (red).  Wheel plane is one of two vertical planes.

Floor plane:  Splits the body in top half and bottom half.  An arm or prop rotating around the up/down axis will be moving in floor plane (purple: combines front/back axis (red) and left/right axis (blue).  Floor plane is the only horizontal plane (sometimes called ceiling plane or horizontal plane).

LORQ:FLOW #8: ~Club-Spinning (Wind-Blown Flow)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGC0zDsMnks&w=560&h=315]

Shot this video at Owen Rose Garden in Eugene. Erika’s mom was in town so we went to smell the roses!

The Clubs are a style I found at Fire Drums and IgNight, combining lots of stuff into a dance and mime “Wind-Blown” image.

Check it ♥

LORQ:TECH #33: ~Tribute to Contact Juggling.Org~

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0KqN9S5HLE&w=420&h=315]

I learned to contact juggle from Contact Juggling.Org back in 2001. I’ve picked up lots of other props and dance since then, and want to give back to the community that taught me so much.

LORQ:TECH #30: ~Toroid Flowers: Antibend C.A.P.’s~

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpAimYROhfM&w=420&h=315]

Here’s another (the 3rd) video I’ve produced on Toroid Flowers.

Here we use pendulum-like hands/arms, with the poi doing Antibend patterns. For me it’s useful to find whole patterns… I can focus on doing a smaller, easier motion and then extend that pendulm CAP-like thing to a whole pattern.

Check it ♥

LORQ:TECH #29: ~TOROIDS- Hybrids and Hella Antibend

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24F6CFNiHpk&w=420&h=315]

Learning Toroids from Alex Powell and Ben Drexler, I’ve discovered patterns akin to Vulcan Tech Gospel #2 (David Cantor and Noel Yee). . .

LORQ:TECH #27: ~Helical Patterns~

This is a manipulation of information from Vulcan Tech Gospel #2 (see noelyee.com and his youtube, under Noel Yee).

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR3pV8Y2C-8&w=420&h=315]

I begin doing the patterns in wall plane and then bend my spine backward so that wall plane becomes floor plane.  I’m pretty much doing wall plane flowers and a backbend.  Then I keep the poi moving in floor plane and begin to move my hands in wall plane.  This creates a helical shape with the poi.  The poi points either OUT or IN toward the heart on one axis, and on the other it will be pointing perpendicular to the arm (L hand/prop relationsip).  You can stall in those L’s as well!  Super dope!

LORQ:TECH #24: ~Transitions in VTG2 using Polyrhythms~

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6VECSf-Cvo&w=560&h=315]


For more Info visit:
VTG facebook group

David Cantor, Brian Thompson, Noel Yee, Lorq Nichols, Maiki Nope, Kory San
Cassie McKenney, Alex Powell, And YOU

Make more videos 🙂


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf0NwGlQD9M&w=560&h=315]

LORQ:TECH #22: ~2-Beat Spiral Isolations (Spiral-Linear/Fo8 Hand Path)~

Alien Jon has offered an alternative to “spiral hand path” which would be “helical hand path”… also, this motion can be done with the poi leading the hand rather than the hand leading the poi, by “flicking the poi in front of the hand.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwYHMCX9Llo&w=560&h=315]