
Shape Matrix Went Poi Chat Viral

Michael Todd posted my 2014 Shape Matrix in Poi Chat and it got 353 shares and 462 likes. It’s a rework from 2012, and a new flower shape matrix will be available for purchase soon.

A photo posted by Lorq Nichols ( on


A Shape Matrix is like a multiplication table for tricks (moves, patterns) that you can do with your left or right hand. Flower shapes with the left hand are matched up with flower shapes of the right hand.   A flower is when the prop is rotating around the hand and the hand is rotating around the shoulder. So flowers are a study of rotation around rotation, or compound circles.   Each flower shape moves through very specific positions as the arm travels around in a circle. You can switch to other shapes that move through the same position, and each position has only so many shapes that it can move into. These are all shown in wall plane, but we can copy/paste them onto other planes and move through different planes at the same time (3d/atomic). To start, focus on spinning your prop with the hand up, down, with the arm open to the side, and with the arm crossed to the side. Practice spinning your prop in front of the body and behind the body in each of these positions, and practice with your arms to the diagonals as well. Begin to move your hand in a circle slowly and focus on drawing the flower shape that you intend, eventually moving toward making clear shapes. Stop the arm and continue the spin of the prop to reset. Begin moving the arm when the prop is at the appropriate position for the flower shape you want to make and … drill. Make sure to practice with both hands.

Layout of New Tech Tiles

New Tech Tiles– Cube, Colors, and Planes

Look at the tiles as if you are looking in a mirror.

Imagine yourself inside a cube with 6 faces: up, down, left, right, front, and back

Imagine a line from your head to your feet connecting the top face and the bottom face.  The Y-Axis is Yellow

Imagine a line running through your shoulders connecting the left and right face.  Thats the X-axis.  It’s blue.

Imagine a line running from in front of your heart to behind your back.  It’s the Z-axis.  It’s red.

A plane can be defined by 2 axes.

3 planes naturally separate the body into halves.

Wall plane: Splits the body into front half and back half.  An arm or prop rotating around the front back axis will be moving in wall plane (green: combines up/down (yellow) and left/right (blue).  Wall plane is one of two vertical planes.

Wheel plane:  Splits the body into left half and right half.  An arm or prop rotating around the left/right axis will be moving in wheel plane (orange: combines up/down axis (yellow) and front/back axis (red).  Wheel plane is one of two vertical planes.

Floor plane:  Splits the body in top half and bottom half.  An arm or prop rotating around the up/down axis will be moving in floor plane (purple: combines front/back axis (red) and left/right axis (blue).  Floor plane is the only horizontal plane (sometimes called ceiling plane or horizontal plane).