..:: 3 PLANES ::..


6 Reference Points and 3 PLANES (WALL, WHEEL, FLOOR)

***Please direct your attention to the diagonal axis on the grid above.  It’s an imaginary line going through your heart, running back to front.  The bottom left of that diagonal axis is Back, and the top-right of the axis is Front.  If an arm is pointing toward one of those two, you’re on the Front/Back axis.

Planes are like imaginary windows.  They are made of two axes each with two directions so every plane uses 4 directions that you can move your arms through in circles.

Up/Down and Front/Back make wHeel plane (H).  We can move forward or reverse around this circle (forward/reverse from the top).  wHeel plane splits the body Left/Right.

Up/Down and Left/Right make Wall plane (W), we can move our arm underhand (from the top out to the side) or overhand (from the top toward the center of the body). Wall plane splits the body Front/Back.

If we combine Front/Back (Z) with Left/Right make Floor plane (F).  Moving an arm along these 4 directions, we can move from the front to our left or right.  Floor plane splits the body Up/Down.

Colors of the planes are the combined colors of the axes that define them.  Primary colors are axes.  Secondary colors are planes.

Abbreviation of Reference Points:Up (U), Down (D), Left (L), Right (R), Front (F), Back (B)
Wall (W)—- splits body front/back.  Combines Y+X axes (U/D/L/R)
wHeel (H)—- splits body left/right. Combines Y+Z axes (U/D/F/B)
Floor (F)—- splits body up/down. Combines Z+x axes (F/B/L/R)



Reference Point:  One of six—Up, Down, Forward, Back, Left, and Right… the six points the arms move to and through when moving in circles in any arm path.  Reference points stay stationary relative to an audience when your body moves in circles.

Plane:  An imaginary window that splits space into two halves.  3 planes naturally split the body into up/down (floor plane), left/right (wheel plane) and front/back (wall plane.  Planes stay stationary relative to an audience as your body moves in circles.

Grid:  A set of parameters for body or prop movement

Wall Plane (W): One of three planes the arms can move in, combining the Up/Down axis (Y) and the Left/Right axis (X).

WHeel Plane (H): One of three planes the arms can move in, combining the Up/Down axis (Y) and the Forward/Back axis (Z).

Floor Plane (F):  One of three planes the arms can move in, combining the Forward/Back axis (Z) and the Left/Right axis (X).

Axis of Rotation:  the axis an arm rotates around when moving in a circle through a plane.

Forward:  In wheel plane, arm or prop move from the top of their circle away from the body.

Reverse:  In wheel plane, arm or prop moves from the top of its circle toward the body.

Overhand:  Arms or prop move from the top of their circle toward the center of the body.

Underhand:  Arm or prop move from the bottom of their circle toward the center of the body.

Vertical Axis:  Up/down is the vertical axis for wall plane and wheel plane.  Front/back is the vertical axis for Floor plane.  If you bend 90 degrees at the hips, forward/back is your up/down.

Horizontal Axis:  Left/right is the horizontal axis for wall and floor plane.  front/back is the horizontal axis for wheel plane.