::27 ARM PATHS::

From 9 Arm Facings:

Together on one of 3 axes; Split on one of 3 axes; or addressing one of 3 planes:

There are 3 options-
Move arms the Opposite direction around a circle in one plane
Move arms the Same direction around a circle in one plane
Move arms in two different planes (“Atomic“)

TS- Together, Same
(wall, wheel, floor)
TO- Together, Opposite
(wall, wheel, floor)
TL- Together, L (atomic)
SS- Split Same(wall, wheel, floor)
SO- Split Opposite(wall, wheel, floor)
SL- Split L (Atomic)
QS- Quarter-Same (L-Same- LS)
(wall, wheel, floor)
QO- Quarter-Opposite (L-Opposite- LO)
(wall, wheel, floor)
LL- Infinite L (Atomic)

These can be further broken down into their Families:

Split/Together Time:  TS, TO, SS, SO

Quarter Time: QS, QO

Atomic:  TL, SL, LL

Each of these 9 can be oriented in 3 Presentations, totalling 27.  The single-plane arm paths move in Wall, wHeel, or Floor plane.  The atomic arm paths move in 2 planes at once (WH, HF, WF).  There are 18 single-plane arm paths and 9 atomic arm paths in this set.

So a complete list would read:

TS(W) ~ TS(H) ~ TS(F)  *12 Single-plane arm paths*
SS(W) ~ SS(H) ~ SS(F)
TO(W) ~ TO(H) ~ TO(F)
SO(W) ~ SO(H) ~ SO(F)

QS(W) ~ QS(H) ~ QS(F)  *6 Single-plane arm paths*
QO(W) ~ QO(H) ~ QO(F)

TL(HF) ~ TL(WF) ~TL(WH)  *9 Atomic arm paths*
IL (HF) ~ IL(WF) ~ IL(WH)

The above list of the 27 arm paths  are illustrated in the following 3 pages in the order they appear above.
Each tile represents a quarter (1/4) of a complete rotation

The illustrations in the tiles below represent one quarter (1/4) of a complete cycle of the arms or props.  Each arm path travels twice through 2 of the arm facings before completing one full rotation of the arms.  Arm codes are in the top right corner of the tiles represent the two arm facings each arm path travels through.

~Begin by choosing one of the facings on a tile and pointing your arms to the refernce point indicated.  Follow the dotted lines (arm path) in the indicated plane for a quarter of a rotation until your arms are pointing to the new arm facing at new reference points.  Continue motion until your arms return to where you started.


*12 Split/Together single-plane arm paths 4 *

TS(W) ~ TS(H) ~ TS(F)
SS(W) ~ SS(H) ~ SS(F)
TO(W) ~ TO(H) ~ TO(F)
SO(W) ~ SO(H) ~ SO(F)


6 Quarter Time Single-plane Arm Paths:

QS(W) ~ QS(H) ~ QS(F)
QO(W) ~ QO(H) ~ QO(F)



9 Atomic Arm Paths:  TL, SL, and LL in 3 Presentations HF, WF, and WH

TL(HF) ~ TL(WF) ~TL(WH)  *9 Atomic arm paths*
IL (HF) ~ IL(WF) ~ IL(WH)

9 Atomic arm paths

IL (WH) ~ IL(WF) ~ IL(HF)



Arm Path:  Arm facing combined with the arms moving a chosen direction through space.  In this set, they will remain moving in one of three planes.  Either both arms move in the same plane (single-plane), or each in a different plane (atomic).

Family:  A set of paths or patterns that are similar to one another.

Single-plane:  Arm paths where both arms travel in just one plane—either wall (W), wheel (H), or floor (F).  There are 6 single-plane arm paths:  SO, SS, TO, TS, QO, QS.  Each can be performed in 3 planes, totaling 18 single-plane arm paths.

Atomic:  Arms moving in two planes at once; either wheel and wall (HW), wall and floor (WF) or floor and wheel (FH).  There are 3 atomic arm paths:  IL, SL, TL.  Each can be performed in 3 presentations: HW, WF, FH, totaling 9 atomic arm paths.

Same:  Arms travel the Same direction around a circle in one plane.

Opposite:  Arms travel the Opposite direction around a circle in one plane.

Presentation:  The image an arm path makes over the course of a rotation of the arms (from the view of an audience).  In sinle-plane arm paths, floor plane appears as a horiozontal line; wheel plane appears as a vertical line; and wall plane appears as a circle.  In atomic arm paths, arms moving in wheel and wall will look like a circle with a vertical line, arms moving in wall and floor will look like a circle with a horizontal line, and arms moving in floor and wheel will look like a horizontal and vertical line, like a plus sign.


Split/Together-time:  A family of paths where arms are either split or together when crossing an axis.  Includes the 4 classic timing/directions .  Each of 4 are presented here in 3 planes for a total of 12 split/together-time arm paths.

Together Opposite (TO):  Arms facing together on the vertical axis & split on the horizontal axis.  Arms travel the opposite direction around a circle in wall (W), wheel (H), or floor (F).

Together Same (TS):  Arms facing together on the vertical axis & together on the horizontal axis.  Arms travel the same direction around a circle in wall (W), wheel (H), or floor (F).

Split Opposite (SO):  Arms facing split on the vertical axis & together on the horizontal axis.  Arms travel the opposite direction around a circle in wall (W), wheel (H), or floor (F).

Split Same (SS):  Arms facing split on the vertical axis & split on the horizontal axis.  Arms travel the same direction around a circle in wall (W), wheel (H), or floor (F).


Quarter Time (QT):  The arms passing the vertical axis a quarter-beat after the other.  Arms will be in an ‘L’ each time they pass an axis.

Quarter Opposite (QO):  Arms are always pointing toward two axes (in an ‘L’) when passing a reference point, and move the opposite direction around a circle in one of three planes:  wall (W), wheel (H), or floor (F).

Quarter Same (QS):  Arms are always pointing toward two axes (in an ‘L’) when passing a reference point and move the same direction in one of three planes: wall (W), wheel (H) or floor (F).


Together L (TL):  Arm path where the arms are together on an axis and then move to point toward the other 2 axes (being in an ‘L’).

Split L (SL):  Atomic arm path where the arms are split on an axis and then travel to point toward the other two axes (being in an ‘L’ and addressing a plane).

Infinite L (IL):  Atomic arm path where the arms are always in an ‘L’ when crossing an axis.